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  • Writer's pictureAila Health

Managing Depression At Work

Depression is a tough condition to deal with, especially when you're at work. It can make it hard to concentrate and get things done, and can leave you feeling helpless and alone. At times when it is most severe, depression can be debilitating, but there are ways to get support for depression while you're on the job.

  1. Seek professional help with a competent mental health professional. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional about your symptoms. They can help you figure out what's going on and what kind of depression treatment might be right for you. Depending on the severity of your depression, your doctor might recommend medication or therapy, or a combination of both. If required, your physician may also refer you to a mental health professional who can help you manage your symptoms.

  2. Leverage workplace mental health benefits. Many companies now invest in mental health benefits. Check if your company offers coverage for mental health visits. If you need special accommodations to manage your mental health, you may want to reach out to HR or your manager to incorporate changes to your work schedule, workload, or workspace. Companies like Disclo can help you navigate workplace accommodations. How can I talk to my employer about my depression?

    1. Prepare what you want to say: Before speaking to your employer, it may be helpful to take some time to reflect on your experiences with depression and how it may be impacting your work. Jot down some notes or practice what you want to say in advance.

    2. Choose an appropriate time and place: It is important to choose a time and place that is private and conducive to an open conversation. Consider scheduling a meeting with your supervisor during a quieter part of the day or week when you both have ample time to discuss the matter.

    3. Be honest and open: It is important to be truthful and candid with your employer about your struggles with depression. Share how you are feeling and how it may be impacting your work. Emphasize that you want to find a way to be productive and work collaboratively with your supervisor to find a solution that works for everyone.

    4. Ask for accommodations: If you need specific accommodations or modifications to your work environment, explain what they are and how they will help you manage your depression. These accommodations may include changes to your work schedule or workload, adjustments to your workspace, or other workplace accommodations.

    5. Follow up: After the conversation, it is important to follow up with your supervisor to see if the accommodations have been put in place or if there are any concerns or issues that need to be addressed. Remember, it is within your rights to ask for reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Be clear about what you need and how it will benefit both you and your employer. Your employer should work with you to find a solution that is supportive, productive, and effective.

  3. Taking breaks can also be helpful. Regular breaks can help you manage your depression symptoms and give you a chance to relax and refocus. You can take a short walk, practice some deep breathing, or do some stretching exercises to help you feel better. You can also use your break time to do things you enjoy, like listening to music, reading a book, or chatting with a friend.

  4. Building a support network to help you navigate the lows of depression. You can reach out to friends, family members, or coworkers who you trust and share your feelings with them. They can provide you with emotional support and help you manage your symptoms. You can also consider joining a support group for people with depression. This can give you a safe space to talk about what you're going through and connect with others who understand.

  5. Taking care of your whole self to combat depression symptoms. This is essential in managing depression. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and practicing relaxation techniques are all great ways to take care of yourself. It's also important to avoid alcohol and drugs, as they can make depression symptoms worse.

Remember that it's okay to ask for help, and that there are resources available to you. If you still have questions, you can schedule an appointment with our care team today.

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